Page 7 - Jazzin22 E-Magazine
P. 7
I am forever grateful to my Tanalia/ Ashenka & Rayanka for
Rehearsal Director/Assistant their dedication and hard work, my
Choreographer Shyomie, for her brothers and children for their love and
unending strength and dedication, reinforcement and all the parents for
for being my pillar of strength – who their unceasing encouragement.
not only is a wonderful teacher, but
also whose passion for dance, loyalty, DANCEWORLD genuinely
attention to detail and devotion is a believes in giving back to the society via
source of inspiration to all. initiatives, drives and schemes to raise
awareness for causes that matter to all
Throughout my life, I’ve been citizens of Sri Lanka. This year, we are
blessed with the unwavering energy honored to pledge our support to the
and love of my dear mother – Mitabi Lady Ridgeway Hospital’s ‘Boundless
Gunawardena - the ‘beacon’ in my Care Project’ - which will allow the
life - whose efficacy you see in the hospital to provide suitable treatment
eclectic costumes that have uplifted and facilities for the differently abled
this production. Your continued children. We thank our tier sponsors -
encouragement and assurance has SYNERGEN Health (Platinum) | House
always pushed me to achieve my very of Wines (Gold), PWA Architects (Silver)
best – Thank you Ammi! and all who contributed generously
towards our initiative.
To share my vision for this
production, I have in close collaboration And finally, to my talented young
my best friend and Business performers – thank you for your
Partner, Shaanee, the visionary for unwavering enthusiasm and for never
DANCEWORLD whose continued forgetting why you love to dance – you
support in devoting her time and continue to inspire me, and I truly
energy towards our journey has taken believe that tonight, each of you will
this production and the school to a level WOW the audience and leave them
that I only dreamt of. Your invaluable spellbound from the opening number
advice, endless support and ceaseless to the curtain call as you become more
positivity will always be held in the than a body moving through space; you
highest regard. become art.
A great recital or show is not I thank you, our audience, for
only the result of strong technique, patronizing this show and I wish you an
entertainment value, unique unforgettable evening.
choreography and enormous rehearsal
time, but also the backing of all those
who stood by me to achieve this feat.
Thank you to my ever so supportive Sureka
Assistant Teachers Zahabiya/ Alisha/